
Miis: cute crime-fighters for a new age

And here you thought Miis were just cute little creations whose usefulness was limited to pounding tennis balls and milling about your Mii Plaza. It turns out, however, that the little avatars are also pretty useful -- they may help UK police find the owners of a stolen Wii. The console was found in a "distinctive burgundy bag" and has sixteen Miis that police hope will lead to the rightful owners. They've released the names of some of the Miis, some of which are as distinctive as the bag, apparently (Seb, Pheebes, Nicks, Ellie and Evie), as well as the Wii ID. If you're missing 7901 7431 3732 8898, or it's on your friend list, join with the Miis and help find the owner.

[Via Game|Life]