

You know what they say about those who can't code, they blog about those that can. It is in this spirit that I offer up XcodeTemplateFactory. If you don't find yourself using XCode on a regular basis I'll save you a few moments and tell you to stop reading this post now. Check out the MacBook Paper again. Funny, right?

Ok, are they gone? Good, it is now just me and you, dear developer! Now, you'll get a whole lot more out of XcodeTemplateFactory than I will, but it is my duty, as an influential and powerful blogger, to point you in the right direction. You're probably swimming in a ton of XCode projects, and every time you set up a new one you curse the sky because you must keep setting the same things over and over again. XcodeTemplateFactory lets you keep a special project which is set up just the way you like, and from which you can deploy new projects. All the projects deployed from the template are set up just like the original. It'll save you time, and it won't cost you a dime (that rhyme was also free).

XcodeTemplateFactory is a free, open source utility from Hog Bay Software, makers of TaskPaper (which I quite enjoy).