
Another Warhammer Online beta shutdown unlikely

In the latest in Warcry's endless series of stunted and random interviews with the Warhammer Online team, they actually asked a question of substance that many players, myself included, have been wondering about for some time now. Specifically, the EA Mythic team rates their two-month beta timeout as an "overwhelming success," saying that it gave the development team an opportunity to step up and deliver on the all the changes that had been prompted by the previous phase of the beta. And perhaps most importantly, they rated the likelihood of another beta closure before the commercial release as unlikely, though they didn't make any promises. Barring a delay of final launch date, it's hard to foresee a reason why they would need to, but it's nice to see those comments on the table finally. They also commented briefly on the Blood Dark Elf Disciples of Khaine and the in-game benefits afforded by the city siege mechanic.

We understand why both Warcry and EA Mythic would want to parse out content like this over time to keep readers interested in a game and coming back for more, but you're seriously going to put up an interview with four questions? Really? You asked all you had to ask in four questions? If it's going to be that way...