
Cord-Free Wireless Adapter lets you trade your cord for a huge lump

We initially posted about Nyko's Cord-Free Wireless Adapter before any pictures were available. Now Nyko has officially, for reals, announced the product and sent along pictures, and we can only say "yikes." We wondered where they were going to hide the coiled-up cord and two AA batteries in a compact, self-contained unit. Turns out they didn't. The cord and battery case are just sort of stuck on the bottom of the unit. What you gain in wingspan, you lose in portability.

Those of you complaining that the Nunchuk was too small and light should be pleased, as should those who are furious at the corded Nunchuk but don't have the extra $20 to drop for the fully wireless model. Perhaps you just wanted a free-standing Nunchuk to set next to your charging Wiimotes.

Okay, we're making fun, but the truth is that even if the adapter is conspicuous, it seems to be out of the way, and a viable solution for making your Nunchuk wireless, as long as it doesn't add too much weight.

[Via press release]