
Assassin's Creed still doesn't look completely horrible

Okay, what's the deal here, Ubisoft? First you reveal absolutely nothing on the DS version of Assassin's Creed: Altair's Chronicles until a month before the game launches, and even then it's only the damn subtitle. Then, with our expectations suitably lowered, you spring the first screenshots on us, and they're ... not bad, actually. Quite good. They make the game look potentially fun.

This latest batch has the same effect -- Altair's Chronicles is actually showing real promise. Sure, they're a little brown, but brown isn't always bad, and these are quite pretty. There's even a couple of sensible-looking side-on shots, which gives us hope that Ubisoft hasn't completely borked the camera. We're yet to see these attractive 3D environments in motion, but for now, you can color us impressed and interested.

Sneak past the post break for four more screens.