
Reminder: Last chance to win a year of PotC from Disney and Massively

Just in case you missed it earlier this week, let this be your reminder: today is your last chance to leave a comment on our contest post (not this post-- all this post will get you is keelhauled on the mizzenmast) and enter to win not only one of two minature Pirates of the Caribbean Online ships, but also a year ingame with a special account direct from Disney themselves. And if you're not sure you want it or not, our own Robin Torres wrote up a First Impressions a long, long time ago (even before our site went live) about her experiences during the beta. Sure, there were a few drawbacks, but there's poker! Texas Hold 'em!

So yes, don't forget-- before this afternoon, go back to our contest post and leave a comment (just one per person, thanks), and then make sure to check your email this evening to see if you've won. If you do, you'll get an official PotC ship packed in a PotC shipping (get it?) crate, as well as a key to a free year in the game. Good luck!