
MMORPG chats up Codemasters

Last week it was officially announced that Codemasters was going to publish Jumpgate Evolution, NetDevil's upcoming sci-fi MMO. MMORPG has the first detailed interview with the newly minted publisher up on their website.

Among the more intriguing nuggets pertains to the buzz-words that Codemasters uses to describe the game. Yes, they are the PR goombas specifically using them in order to sell the game, but to be honest ... it's working with me.

"Twitch-based combat" where players can literally jump into the cockpit and take part in an action packed space dogfight ... using a joystick (if they feel like it)! Sounds like X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter. Something that I've commented on before.

"Think of Jumpgate as the Battlestar Galactica of sci-fi MMOs." OK! The analogy makes sense too, since both are properties taken from the past (in this case the original Jumpgate from back in 2001) and have been re-imagined into something far grander. At least we hope so. And based on the screen shots and game video ... it seems to be heading in that direction rather than going down the toidy.

Codemasters plans on releasing the game in the winter of 2008 in both North America and Europe, but they won't commit to a firm date. Read the whole interview for all the details.