
No objections to an Ace Attorney interview

If you visit this site often, you've probably come to realize that we're big fans of Phoenix Wright. Later this month, we'll be able to play the next installment in the Ace Attorney games, this time starring Apollo Justice. If you're as impatient as us, though, you might want to check out this interview at Siliconera, which reveals some more information about the title. Spencer Yip questions Apollo's product marketing manager, Colin Ferris, who manages to tease us even more about the game.

One thing Ferris was pretty clear on is that there are no plans to bring the series to the Wii. After playing Harvey Birdman, we think the adventure game would fit well on the console, as much as we love it on our handhelds. How about you guys, though? Do you think the game should stick to the DS, or would you like to see it cross platforms at some point?