
Worldwide PS3 releases for the week of February 3rd

Things are starting to look up for the universe now that we've got January out of the way. Devil May Cry 4 makes it's English-speaking debut this week in both the US and Europe. European gamers also have a few other games to pick from this week, including the potentially alright The Club. Here's the full release list:

US Games

EU Games

Asian Games

If you're not sure yet about whether to pick up Devil May Cry 4, then fear not. We'll have a review for you within the next few days tomorrow, along with an interesting feature for those of you new to the entire franchise.

Feel free to import any of the above games for whatever reason. Your PS3 is completely region free. Release dates are subject to constant change, so check with your local retailer before leaving the house. Or just order online. It requires less effort.