
Second Life release candidate 1.19.0(RC0) released. Again.

After the weekend's somewhat premature release of Second Life release candidate viewer 1.19.0(RC0), the viewer has been released a second time. As near as we can tell, it's actually exactly the same binary that you already downloaded over the weekend, if you were one of the ones who got it then.

You might have just a little difficulty actually downloading it, as everything but the Linden blog (which is hosted elsewhere) is choking due to an apparent ongoing failure with the redirectors, but this has been coming and going in bursts and should clear up soon.

Release candidate viewers access your live account on the main Second Life grid (Agni). Potentially they may cause hair-loss in pets, and should be kept out of reach of children.

The Windows version is approximately 34MB, the Linux version 53MB and the Mac version 70MB - all three are available from the usual place. We use and recommend the use of a download manager to keep your download times to a minimum.

We posted the release notes here, over the weekend.