
Fable 2 achievement philosophy unlocked

The Fable 2 development blog has posted the philosophy behind the achievements that will be available in their upcoming RPG. There are two primary points that probably stand out above the rest. First of all, there will be no secret achievements. None. The reasoning behind this, somewhat surprisingly, is that games with secret achievements sell fewer copies. Go figure. Second, the developers live by the philosophy that achievements should not be about grinding. In other words, don't expect to get achievements for killing X amount of monster X. Instead, combat achievements, for example, will be based on doing "cool stuff." We're already hoping for some sandbox achievements à la Crackdown. Then again, we seem to recall Peter Molyneux mentioning a grind-tastic achievement for owning everything in the entire game, so we'll see.

There will also be collection achievements, though Lionhead claims they shouldn't be repetitive but should instead inspire players to explore the world more fully. Morality achievements are planned as well, though Lionhead says that these achievements shouldn't keep gamers from playing the way they want to play, which is something Lionhead felt was missing from the morality achievements in Mass Effect. Of course, simple story achievements will be in the game as well, but frankly, we're probably most excited for the "stupid" achievements. Lionhead isn't gabbing about what exactly these are, but we've got a feeling virtual flatulence will be involved.

[Via 360Sync]