
Conspiracy: Twisted Metal heading to PS3 [Update]

We've loved trying to find hidden messages in games since we first saw one of Levelord's "You're not supposed to be here!" signposts in Duke Nukem 3D. Rarely are such messages announcements regarding upcoming titles, but one hidden code found by some GameFAQs forumers in the Twisted Metal: Head-On "DARK PAST" documentary. Groups of numbers appear on screen at points during the video which correspond to letters of the alphabet. When deciphered the message reads "Metal is coming on PSThree". Despite the minor grammatical error, it's safe to assume the message is intentional and, therefore, true.

So it seems Twisted Metal will be heading to PS3 at some point in the future. Is anyone truly surprised? We know Jaffe has signed a three game contract with Sony for the PS3 so we would've been very surprised if at least one wasn't Twisted Metal related. Now that the message has been found, we'll probably start hearing more about the game. We hope.

Update: Confirmed.