
Speeding away from combat in PotBS: balanced?

Keen from Keen and Graev's Gaming Blog recently wrote about his experiences in Pirates of the Burning Sea with PvPing against small, quick ships. He said that most of the time, the quick ships with the right fittings can simply get away from his larger vessel, but what inspired him to actually write about it is that he believes some players may be using this ability to grief a slower ship. They would achieve this by getting into combat, bringing both players to an instance, and then simply looping around and tapping the other player every 2 minutes with a quick shot to keep them in combat and stuck inside. Others would just engage and then run away, with no apparent purpose other than wasting time, or possibly stopping him from attacking another target.

Personally, I am not at the stage where I'm doing much PvP yet (although one of my ships, the MC Cutter, is mentioned in Keen's article as a prime offender for this tactic), so I haven't the experience to comment on whether this really is widespread behavior or not. A ship like mine, meant for mid-levels, becomes insanely fast if a level 40-50 uses it with the skills and fittings available by then. The question is, should it be possible for a player to initiate combat with another PC and then simply run off inside the instance? Before anything is done, it would be interesting to know if this sort of griefing has happened to other people too.