
Official GTAIV website gets an update and is go!

With Grand Theft Auto IV's April 29th release date getting closer and closer by the hour, Rockstar decided it was probably a good idea to fully launch the official GTAIV website. So, that's what they did.

If you take a gander through the freshly updated GTAIV website you'll notice a bunch of new content waiting to be read, new media to be viewed and downloads to be ... downloaded. Rockstar just placed links to GTAIVNews, Videos, Screens, Downloads and two "coming soon" sections including Multiplayer and Music. But possibly most read-worthy is the information you can gather from the the Peoples & Places, Recreation & Entertainment and Goods & Services sections. In these three sections of the website you'll learn about Liberty City, some of the characters you'll meet as well as some of the city's hot spots. We're especially fond of Liberty Swingers. There's so much to view and so much to take in we advise making the jump and browsing. Because, at this point, any GTAIV news is good news ... we crave updates.