
Murloc Card giveaway at Warcry

Here's some cool news for a Sunday afternoon. The folks over at Warcry are currently holding a competition to giveaway 5 Murloc Cards for World of Warcraft.

These cards were part of the goodies given away by Blizzard to Blizzcon 2007 attendees, and would cost you somewhere in the region of $200, should you choose to get one from eBay. Not only do you get access to a Murloc Suit for one of your characters in-game, but you also get access to a future Blizzard beta, sadly not identified yet.

Outside of the Spectral Tiger mount, the Murloc Suit is the one piece of WoW loot that I would love to own, so unless you have the money to spare, it maybe worth your while visiting Warcry. Just make sure you come right back to Massively afterwards though :)