
British PM loves Wii, fails at Wii Sports

It sounds as though the Wii has friends in high places, at least in the UK. Queen Elizabeth II recently talked about getting her Wii on, and now British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has revealed he's also a fan of Nintendo's console and that he and Liz get together for a spot of Wii Sports boxing every other Sunday.

Brown hasn't shied from criticizing video games in the past, but admitted in a BBC interview that the Wii was a hit at 10 Downing Street, and also that his four-year-old son could run rings around him at Wii Sports tennis: "I have played a game of tennis. It didn't leave me out of puff, but that was because I was beaten pretty early on by my son, and he's only four." Not your greatest moment, Gordon.

[Via Go Nintendo]