
Frontlines gets multiplayer demo for limited time

When we played the single-player demo of Frontlines: Fuel of War we, well, to put it kindly, we didn't really "get it." To put it not so kindly, it was almost oppressively mediocre and so generic as to accurately be called the Muzak of futuristic first-person shooters. "But hey," we thought, "maybe this is just a bad demo. Lord knows there have been a few of those lately. Maybe this is an inaccurate sample."

But, alas, now we come to the unavoidable drawback to being the Pollyannas of the video game blogosphere: There's a new sample of Frontlines, a multiplayer demo this time, and the cup-half-full part of us feels that we have to play it. Why? Because we believe in second chances. ... And, yes, so we can make fun of it on the podcast if it's bad.