
The necessity of Tabula Rasa's Military Surplus

It's hard to imagine a massively game without some sort of auction house system in place. For Tabula Rasa players last year during launch it was an actual reality, but that changed in time. Eventually Destination Games added the Military Surplus system, which is essentially an auction house but with a properly themed name. A lot of players were happy to finally have a marketplace (even with bugs), but many people weren't quite sure how to price their product.

So when the subject of whether or not the Military Surplus system is needed in TR, out ears definitely perked up a bit. The article in question is over at Ten Ton Hammer, and actually covers ways to improve the economy present currently in the game more than anything else. Although there are plenty of different ways the economy could be improved, everyone benefits from it one way or another -- we think it's here to stay in Tabula Rasa.