
Fallout 3 due for simultaneous release on PS3, 360, PC

Looking forward to playing Fallout 3? Us too. Luckily, Bethesda seem to be above those pesky "PS3 lag" problems that seemed to plague multiplatform titles last year. Fallout 3 will be hitting the PS3 on the same day as the 360 and PC during Q3 of this year, according to Todd Howard, Executive Producer of the game. That's the plan, at least.

With the game still around half a year away, it's a bit early for this to be confirmed completely. Despite that, it's nice to know that Bethesda have a simultaneous release in mind as we can't wait to get our hands on the game. Hopefully some interesting information will come out of GDC this week, to quell our insane need for Fallout 3.

[Via Joystiq]