
GDC08: PixelJunk Eden trailer contains quirky graphics, intrigue

It's at this point that we truly forgive Q-Games for the travesty that was PixelJunk Racers. PixelJunk Monsters had an awesome graphic style to it, not to mention its rock solid (and rock hard) gameplay and now the latest game in the series, PixelJunk Eden looks to follow suit. The aesthetic quality (or, at least, what we can see of it from the low-res video above) looks like something you'd see on the cover of a Computer Arts magazine. Don't worry, that's a good thing, in our opinion.

Gameplay-wise, the video keeps its cards close to its chest. It's clearly a physics based inertia and momentum simulator that requires you to navigate a constantly morphing landscape in order to collect various items littering the environment. Sounds fairly simple, but hopefully Q-Games will be working their magic and putting some depth into the game. We're looking forward to seeing how this one develops and we simply can't wait until we get our hands on some high-def screenshots. That art style is hypnotic.