
AI in Lionhead's next game to be "revolutionary"

In a partially published interview with, Peter Molyneux, spoke about the Black and White team, their current project, and the tech behind it. Turns out the team has been busy, and Peter describes the team's progress in his usual superlative way, saying that the game the team is in production with (currently unannounced) has AI reactions "as close to revolutionary as anything I have ever seen." Which does of course bode well, though we all remember the Fable 1 debacle, and are taking everything Peter says here with a (few) grain(s) of salt. As long as the focus remains realistic and fun the game could be great, and with Microsoft hopefully keeping Lionhead from getting off-track, here's to hoping we see this IP sooner rather than later.

The remainder of the interview is embargoed until Wednesday, come back then and we'll update you with the rest of the game's news.
