
Rumor: More Fable 2 details during GDC?

With the first day of GDC gone and the Fable 2news already flowing, there are of course rumors of the floodgates flying open entirely. A recent post on the Fable 2 Development Blog lists the GDC events that the Lionhead employees will be taking part in, including a panel for Fable 2 entitled: "Fable 2: The Big Three Features Revealed." So, with that news we can be sure that by the week's end we'll have relayed the game's three big selling points, and if rumors are to be believed, there will be some multiplayer news as well.

It was previously speculated that Fable 2 would utilize that ever-so-popular feature: online co-op, and hopefully that rumor will be confirmed or denied by the end of the week as well. Also of relevance to multiplayer rumors, over the weekend reported that the wiki for Fable 2 had recently been updated to include details about multiplayer, though the source of the edit is, of course, unknown.


Read - Rumored Fable 2 details at GDC
Read - Fable 2 concept art