
Stuck on Alone in the Dark? Just skip a level

If you're the kind of person who crumples in front of games as challenging as, say, Yoshi's Story, then Atari's got your back. In a move that will no doubt encourage howls of protest from more hardcore players, Alone in the Dark producer Nour Polloni has revealed that the game will allow players to skip sections they find to be too difficult.

Apparently, we'll be able to dodge any part of the game we like using a "DVD-style menu," though players who use this feature will do so "at a cost." Those last three words could well be the most crucial part of this -- while it would be easy to dismiss this idea (and we can only imagine it making the game less frightening), we'll have to wait and see just what kind of punishment is doled out to those who skip.

[Via NeoGAF]