
GDC08: Bionic Commando has achievements and a story

While it's obvious the 360 version of Capcom's upcoming title Bionic Commando, revived from its classic NES game of the same name, will have achievements, the PS3 will have them too. Right now they're being referred to as "a similar trophy system", which we're sure is just going to get called "accomplishments" officially sooner or later. These will appear when you go through some mini-challenges, like defeating a certain number of a certain kind of enemy or performing certain moves back to back with your bionic arm of destruction.

The story is getting a little hype by Capcom, too, saying there is a message behind the plot. The notion is that it will "explore the idea of man versus machine and comment on the frailty of the lead character when robbed of the power of the bionic arm." Yes, we all can identify with human fragility because we don't have a robotic arm that lets us swing around a city. It bothers us every single day.