
Sink your teeth into this Oshiri Kajiri Mushi trailer

It pleases us greatly to see the Butt-Biting Bug keeping busy. Earlier this week, we spied this adorable nibbler of bottoms making a quick cameo in Namco Bandai's Taiko Drum Master: 7 Islands' Adventure, yet he still found the time to record a Japanese TV spot for his own game, rhythm title Oshiri Kajiri Mushi. Way to go, BBB! Can we call you BBB?

Happily, this trailer doesn't shirk on gameplay footage, and manages to show off a broad range of the instruments we'll get to tinker with. It's all set to the Oshiri Kajiri Mushi theme song, a deliriously catchy tune that stayed in our heads for the best part of a week the last time we encountered it. You have been warned!