
Bungie looking at new ways to search for H3 content

While chatting with the Eurogamer crew at GDC, Bungie's Brian Jarrard talked about what they're looking at to continue Halo 3's longevity including new features that'll allow players to search through user created content. Jarrard told Eurogamer that "the problem we're dealing with now is there's just too much content," and that "for a new person that just wants to find something fun that somebody else made, we don't feel very good about the way we've done that." Jarrard continues by saying that Bungie is "working on different ways to potentially grade and aggregate and sort content" and that they believe a search database to be important "to really get a foothold and contribute to Halo 3's lifespan."

Does that pretty much confirm Bungie will be opening up the flood gates on user created Halo 3 content by allowing custom creations to be searchable, ratable and easily managed? Not exactly. But we're happy to see that Bungie sees value in user created content and how it can add years and years of life to Halo 3's online component. Here's to an easy to manage searchable index of user created Halo 3 creations. Three cheers!