
Would You Rather ... Connecting the Gears Edition

In our continuing effort to bring you fresh and interesting content, X3F presents Would You Rather ... a weekly feature that asks you the hard questions. The point? If you had to choose one or the other, which would you go for?

You may have heard that a little game called Gears of War is getting a sequel this November, so in the spirit of that shocking announcement we're going WUR Gears-style! This week's question is all about the connected experience.

Gears of War had a great co-op mode and a solid online multiplayer, but some people bashed Gears for a shoddy matchmaking system and wondered why Gears didn't adopt the Halo 2 play list formula. So, with that in mind, if you had to pick one of these features for Gears of War 2 which would it be?

Feel free to share the reasons for your vote in the comments. We'll share the results of the poll during the next edition of Would You Rather ... which hits X3F every Wednesday.

Last weeks WUR results can be find after the jump ... Ensign!

Last week's results weren't all that surprising, but there does seem to be an interest in the fabled Halo MMO. With 54.7% of our readers picking Halo 4 as their next want in the franchise, it looks like there is still quite a lot of steam behind Master Chief's adventures.