
Street Fighter IV Wii port possible

In speaking with Eurogamer, Capcom producer Yoshinori Ono commented that having a port of Street Fighter IV on the Wii is entirely possible. He wants everyone to know that graphics don't make the game, gameplay does. And, we're hoping that should this game come to the Wii, it doesn't incorporate waggle shortcuts for maneuvers.

Ono explains "Street Fighter IV, as it stands now, would be well-suited for the higher-level platforms. But the game doesn't have to have these visuals in order to be fun, We could go, potentially, to the Wii. We could make it on Game Boy, for all we know right now." He goes on further to explain that as "long as the rules are the same, that can be independent of the visuals. So we're not going to be limited by any hardware specs; we're going to aim as wide as possible."

Take it as you will, but it's hardly a confirmation the game is coming to the Wii. However, that bit about aiming as widely as possible could very much mean a Wii port is in the works. It is the console with the largest install base right now, after all.