
Bungie answers 'your' Halo 3 questions

If you're looking for more Legendary Map Pack media in this week's Bungie Weekly Update then be prepared for disappointment, because there isn't any. But this week you do get a lot of answers to a lot of your questions, although we do use the word "your" very liberally. We say this because we can't be sure if your (as in you) questions are being answered or if your (as in the Halo 3 community as a whole) questions get answered. Confused yet? Good. In answering some of "your" Halo 3 questions, Bungie mentions the possibility of adding Team Swat, adding more competitive playlists and the real reason why our pretty fire bomb and Flare / Radar Jammer equipment are not used in matchmaking. You'll also be smacked in the face with a long and in-depth history of the Bumper Jumper control scheme as well. Though, if that sounds like a yawn fest to you, just skip the first half of this week's update.