
PS3 Poll Police: Name your most anticipated release!

Welcome to another edition of the Poll Police, where we interrogate you mercilessly to discover what you want, what you think, and how you think it -- so long as your answer is something we came up with. Unfair? Probably. Silly? Probossibly. This last week, we got wind of so many games getting release dates our heads are spinning. We've lined 'em up below and it's your job to tell us what you're most anticipating.

Which game's impending release titillates you most?

Valkyria Chronicles (Autumn '08)

Overlord (Summer '08)

Metal Gear Solid 4 (June 12th)

Haze (May '08)

Dead Space (October '08)

Eight Days (rumored March resurface)

Disgaea 3 (August '08)

Motorstorm 2 (rumored holiday '08 release) free polls

The clear winner to many of you may already be decided -- slapping Metal Gear Solid 4 in any poll sort of lays a heavy bias on the results. Or does it? We think the results might not be exactly what you expect. If you want to check out last week's poll results, feel free.

We could argue semantics all day whether or not a developer's conference is a gaming event (developers for the video game industry -- the game industry -- ergo gaming event, et cetera), but the fact of the matter is aside from a few announcements regarding dev tools for the PS3, like the PhyreEngine, there wasn't that much on the Sony side. At least, this is what we see reading your responses. Most of us at PS3Fanboy weren't there. We had, like, hair appointments or something. So we can't say if there was much else. It was, indeed, a conference for developer's tools and as such, less interesting to most gamers. Thanks for voting!