
How would you rank the weapons of Zelda?

No, not the princess's actual weapons, but the weapons from the Zelda games. For us, the most badass thing that ever was made has to be the Titan's Mitt. That thing could help Link pick up the most heaviest of heavy items. We'll also entertain notions that the Hook Shot, Pegasus Shoes and Magic Cape are up high on the list.

But, what about the items that aren't specific to any entry in the series, like the boomerang? Well, Lore from Wired attempts to rank these items, providing grade marks to all of Link's most-used weapons and otherwise general helper-outers. Is the man insane? Well, we'll leave that judgment up to you and get back to what we enjoy most: daydreaming that we have a Titan's Mitt of our own.

You, on the other hand, can rank your top 5 favorite Zelda items in the comments. No daydreaming for you all, there's work to be done!