
Lego Universe being built brick by brick

GDC gave us a few more insights into the bricktastic world of LEGO being constructed by the folks at Netdevil. Marketing tie-ins and the expansion of the LEGO tools into an online world filled our brick-lust last month, but even glimpses at some imagination-fueling concept art isn't quite enough to get a good grasp on what this still in-development title will be like. For that we turn to a recent interview with LEGO's director of business development Mark Hansen.

Hansen walks the reader through the many components that have gone into the concept behind LU. Already an active participant in online communities and videogaming, Hansen makes LEGO Universe seem more like an inevitability than anything else. Pushing aside the concerns of competing with the likes of Club Penguin or Habbo Hotel, the director focuses on the (sometimes fanatical) LEGO community they have already developed. Bringing that group online and introducing brick-building to a new generation of players seems to be their primary motivation. Beyond that, the previously discussed feature that will allow you to purchase LEGO plans for objects you create in game is mentioned; that physical connection to a virtual world is a fantastic idea on par with the figureprints models. It's great to see what could have been just a cheap license-money grab in such good hands.