
Fable 2 hookers and a terrifying poo story

We got a tip from Lionhead's community manager Sam about a new "developer blog" post, ostensibly one about Fable 2 prostitutes. You can see the sole image of said prostitutes above (and in high resolution here). Suffice it to say that the image above was seemingly the only article in the blog entry that actually concerned Fable 2's development. The text, on the other hand, is devoted to recounting Lionhead's liquid soap shortage and the resulting lack of hand washing, which is apparently causing a bit of panic. We don't want to spoil it for anyone, as it really should be read in its entirety. Just to whet your appetite then, an excerpt: "The people with the muckiest hands have become the leaders in this new order. "Make my tea or sniff my fart fingers" is a common threat from the artists."

Remember when Lionhead was asking for people to submit insults for Fable 2? We'd say "sniff my fart fingers" just rocketed to the top of the list. Hit the "read" link for the full blog entry.
