
New Release Candidate - html on a prim phase 1 is the big news!

HTML on a prim

Over on the official Linden Blog, news of the Second Life Release Candidate 1.19.1(RC0) was released a few minutes ago. This combines Windlight into the main RC line, and thus soon into the main stream. It also, in a rather more exciting move to many, includes a change to the media streaming system to let you see web pages IN Second Life. The system is still in an early stage - there are no interactions, no flash and the like as yet (although interacting with web pages and shared browsing will be along sometime in the future), but it works. Look closely at the picture - that's not a mock up, within seconds of being in Second Life with the new RC, I had Massively's website on a prim. That simple.

[UPDATE: there are a couple of twiddles too - the "debug" menus (from Cntl-alt-shift-D) have been compressed into a single "Advanced" menu, same keystrokes though]