
Dojo update: Picture perfect

This is it, folks: the final dojo update before Brawl hits the U.S., and there's a definite "last day of school" feel to proceedings. Rather than deal with the drudgery of introducing new stages or describing individual items in fine detail, Sakurai and his team of translators have just loafed around with their shirts hanging out, flicked ink at girls, and uploaded around a hundred of the goofiest images that users have taken using Brawl's Snapshot mode (unfortunately, because we have a blog to run here, we only found time to upload around half).

Some of these made us titter, some missed the mark, and others really need to be viewed with their caption (you'll have to go to the dojo itself for that) for the full effect. Oh, and you can forget shots of Peach's underwear, or of Snake and Pikachu in compromising positions. The dojo is a place for all the family, after all. Not some depraved message board thread populated by the likes of us.
