
One Shots: A return to Evendim

It seems like no matter how many times we showcase this lovely land, we get more. People just love Evendim! Of course, we think it looks fabulous too, so we understand the love LotRO players seem to feel for this zone. Today's return to Evendim comes to us courtesy of Itanius, who sadly didn't give us his class or server name. He did, however, give us a screenshot worthy of being a pretty sweet desktop wallpaper! (You may want to edit out the frame-rate marking, depending on your screen setup.)

If you just love to hang out in a place we've already covered, that's cool -- just send us your own personal spin on it! Don't forget to add in your character name, class and server if you'd like and a small blurb about what we're seeing in the image. Then just mail it to us at oneshots@ See? Easy.