
PS3 Poll Police: Should we resurrect the metareview?

The Poll Police are technically on leave this week, as there is a break in the spring for their studying activities, but they still feel obligated to interrogate you, regardless of your schedule. Not much happened in this week worthy to gauge reactions or expectations news-wise, so we're going to take this opportunity to see how we can better serve you. We posted somemetareviews this week, something we hadn't done for several months, and we'd like to know if you'd prefer we did that for games we can't get around to review ourselves. More or less if you would rather have something to read about a game, even if it's just a compilation of early review scores.

Would you like us to keep doing metareviews?

Yeah, they're worth reading.

Not for every single game, but every now and then.

Nah, they aren't that important. free polls

We enjoy writing them, but don't think about what we'd want you to answer. What's important is if you find metareviews worth your time to look at when a game is released, but we didn't have the time to review it ourselves. That's it for that. Check out last week's poll for the unsurprising, but humorous, result after the jump.

Maybe the Poll Police were tired when they wrote it. Maybe people didn't feel like reading the actual question being posed. Either way, the poll was certainly unclear -- we asked what game, given a release date for that week, piqued your interest the most. A lot of them weren't large titles, save for one that easily stood out from the rest. It's no surprise, really. But when the poll sucks, the results can't be much better. What's the saying? Robots can only be programmed to be as smart as humans? Whatever the case, we'll be back next week. Thanks for voting!