
Analyst flamethrower attack: PS3 to outsell 360 in March

Silly analysts, inciting flame wars with such trivial matters as a month of sales. Regardless, that's exactly what simExchange is doing -- claiming that in March, the PS3 will outsell the 360 in terms of sales. A first in the US for 2008, and only the second time in its lifespan. April will go to the 360 for sales, and so on, and so forth. Nintendo is assumed to keep a hefty lead on both, so there's no confusion.

This back and forth bout between the two "hardcore" gaming consoles will continue, simExchange proposes, with shrinking gaps in sales between them until games with larger online components like Rainbow Six Vegas 2 Charlie Salt Lake City Alpha Dog Redux, Army of Two, and others get released because it's assumed that Xbox Live carries more weight with those games. Basically, sales of the consoles are based on software that play to each console's strength. We could've told you that from the start. Check, please!