
VC Monday Madness video wrap-up 3/10/08

Just because the entire Nintendo-loving community is swept up in Brawl fever doesn't mean that we would neglect our duty of downloading the latest and greatest on the Virtual Console so you know what you're getting into. We try our best to make sure you aren't dropping money where it is not deserved. So, hit up our video above, then be sure to head past the break for the rest of our usual coverage.

Then you can get back to Brawl.

DoReMi Fantasy: Milon 's DokiDoki Adventure (SNES, 1 player, 900 Wii Points)
Wii Fanboy says: download it!

DoReMi is a really fun game. It plays well, and is easily understood from a gameplay perspective even though it is an import title. It also has some big, bright and beautiful sprites that animate really well. It's just an overall fun title and worth your hard-earned Wii Points.

Puyo Puyo 2: Tsuu (Sega Genesis, 1-2 players, 900 Wii Points)
Wii Fanboy says: do not download

Considering that any gamer craving some Puyo action can just download the Kirby clone for 100 less Wii Points, I can't really endorse downloading this. It's Puyo Puyo. Everyone knows what it is and offering the import for download just doesn't seem like an appealing offer to me. Personally, I think you'd be better off disregarding this one.

That concludes our look at this week's Virtual Console games. As always, if you have any tips or rumors regarding Nintendo's Virtual Console service, be sure to let us know and come back next week when we take a look at the latest titles available on the Nintendo Wii!