
Play Haze for a week, get all your money back

Canadian EB Games stores are partaking in one of the most ... intriguing trade-in offers we've ever seen. If you pre-order Haze and return it within a week, you'll get all your money back (in the form of store credit, of course). What could this possibly mean? It seems to suggest that EB Games is placing a vote of no-confidence in this PS3 exclusive. Are they expecting people to return the game so soon after picking it up?

We're imagining this might not be a closed-loop system. Imagine this, if you will: you buy Haze, get the store credit, and then buy the same used copy you sold back to the store for cheaper, and pocket the difference. Then, return the game again ...

It won't actually work that way, but it would be a humorous loophole to take advantage of. (Oh, and we highly doubt American GameStop stores will be as dumb generous.)