
Clean Keeper is the dirtiest Wii game

We've always heard that "cleanliness is next to Godliness," but Housekeeper Squadron Clean Keeper seems to contradict that saying. Yet, the game's "ick factor" comes from more than just cleaning evil dirt with girls in maid outfits. Some details have emerged on the title, and we've come to realize that the gameplay involves cleaning dirt off of these child-looking girls.

When they're attacked by evil starburst dirt, the player must clean the girls using the Wii's motion controls. Depending on what cleaning tool you're using, you'll be imitating a different gesture, such as wiping or jabbing. The trailer for the game also shows a whip tool, which proves to us that the whole "cleaning" story is just an excuse to do naughty things to little girls.

Aside from the risqué content, the game will be your everyday Japanese dating sim adventure. But, we're sure that's not what folks will be buying the game for. It's also interesting to note that this game only has a CERO C (equivalent to an ESRB "T") rating in Japan.

To see some NSFW video footage of the game (the video doesn't show any inappropriate body parts, but do you want to explain it to your coworkers?), which also happen to have "not safe for ears" audio (it's appropriate, just horrible), move on past the break.

[Via Siliconera]