
LotRO expansion takes players to Mines of Moria

Good news for fans of the under-appreciated Lord of the Rings Online today: Executive producer Jeffrey Steefel has announced that the game's first expansion pack, The Mines of Moria, will be coming to your PC by the end of the year. Well, maybe not your PC. But you probably knows someone who plays it, right?

What's new? Well, the level cap's being raised from 50 to 60, so that's ... higher. Also you've got two new classes (the Warden and Runekeeper) and look for a brand new 'legendary' loot system, which will allow your items to evolve with a character as they're used. If you're choking on your Lembas bread with excitement, you might be able to track down some more details at this teaser site.

[Via Massively]