
PS3 Poll Police: Digital downloads: sooner or later?

Looking back on this week in news, the Poll Police found an overwhelming number of people bringing their cards to the table and leaving their two cents when Microsoft spouted off about the irrelevance of Blu-ray and the life Digital Downloads would bring to the world. As was stated in the post, digital downloading is nice, but disc-based mediums like Blu-ray deliver full 1080p, uncompressed audio glory. As an officer of polling justice, the menus and extra features located on a single disc are nice (and why buying a disc is sometimes more exhilarating than downloading a series online through less sincere methords). What do you, the people of PS3 Fanboy Town, think of this "future"?

Digital Downloading: coming sooner, or later?

As MS said, 12-18 months sounds right.

I don't think we'll see it for 2 years.

3 or more years, probably.

When MS unveils a new console, DD will be key.

It's never going to match discs, so it won't take off.

I don't really care. I can get stuff free online anytime. free polls

We'll leave our opinions in the air until next week, since we do our share of downloading and purchasing. Time will tell what the future holds, as that's just something we can't avoid, but being able to predict what it will tell us is a fun diversion from the snail's pace that truth seems to approach at. What about last week's poll? Take the jump and find out.

It seems that PS3 Fanboy will have to listen to such an impressive number of opinions. The only problem the site will run into is being objective enough to discern what is a heavy-hitting title, a niche title deserving of a review, and smaller titles that merit only a metareview. We will probably keep metareviews to titles that are very multiplatform and are not hyped to high heaven -- but even then, we might get confused every now and then and think it's important. We thank you for the input and hope to hear from you again! Keep the votes coming!