
HD DVD and Blu-ray releases on March 18th, 2008

Well this it, the very last HD DVD exclusive gets released tomorrow -- at least from any studio you've actually heard of. Although HD DVD exclusives have still been selling well, we don't expect Atonement to sell anywhere near as many titles as the past few hot HD DVD exclusives. Moving forward, HD DVD only has 16 titles left on the calendar and ten are Warner titles previously released on Blu-ray. So, starting next week, this will become the Blu-ray release post, where we'll focus on Blu-ray releases vs what's available in SD on DVD. Speaking of which, Universal is releasing the first season of the now canceled show Bionic Woman on DVD, but there's no mention of an HD version. The hottest title this week is without a doubt I Am Legend. Will Smith's night crawler movie is at the top of the Amazon DVD chart (that's right, it's outselling DVDs), so we expect it'll easily take number one on the Nielsen VideoScan numbers next Friday as well. The other Blu-ray title released this week is no slouch either, as Disney's Enchanted is at nine on the Amazon charts, with the DVD version sitting at two.

HD DVD 413 vs Blu-ray 473*



* Blu-ray total does not reflect 32 Paramount titles that were previously officially available.