
Christina Aguilera's blasphemous Donkey Kong art

When we first embarked on our blogging careers, fresh-faced and full of hope, there were titles that we never expected to use. "Christina Aguilera's blasphemous Donkey Kong art," it's fair to say, was one such example.

Yet the world moves in mysterious ways, and so here we are, blogging about how pop songstress Christina Aguilera has hung the original version of the above artwork on the wall of her baby's nursery. That's right, folks: while Michael dangles his kids from balconies, and Britney has hers taken away, Christina surrounds her offspring with awesome Nintendo artwork. Titled "The Last Supper," this particular piece is by the artist Misha, and was created for the 2006 I Am 8-Bit Show.

Incidentally, if you want to be just like Christina -- and with an attitude to child-rearing like hers, who wouldn't harbor such aspirations? -- then great news! Prints of the above piece are available now at the Gallery1988 website for $75. That's ... actually tempting.