
iPhone Developer Program Rejections: Take 2

"I'm busy washing my hair Saturday night. Why don't we get together some other time?"

"I'm concentrating on my career -- but let's be friends."

"Thank you for your letter. We have no openings at this time but we'll keep your resume on file in case a position opens up."

Sometimes it doesn't have to come right out and say it to, well, say it. We all know a rejection letter when we see one. Planet-iPhone claims to have the insider scoop on those developer program rejections, but with all due respect and courtesy my bogus-detector is pinging softly.

Their unnamed "executive" says that 10 developers were selected. (*ping*) That's awfully specific and if true might refer to developers who presented at launch. But 10? Apple never planned to launch and pick "ten" extremely selected developers. The application form just doesn't have enough information to pick that way. 10 random guys? No. He says they were "extremely selective." (So: *ping* *ping* *ping*).

Purported Unnamed Executive also says the huge SDK response did not allow them to scale their registered developer perks to the applicant numbers and they're working on that now. No *ping*. This is reasonable and what has been called by many bloggers. If one of our tipsters is to be believed, the certificate program isn't even in place.

So did Apple accept anyone last week? TUAW remains dubious. (And so, apparently, are others.) Apple would have done better sending out "we're swamped" as the message rather than "we have an exclusive limited beta -- and you're not part of it." Foot in mouth? Certainly. Secret acceptances? Probably not.

Thanks Kevin Sullivan

Readers report that Apple has sent out a new mailing. Full text after the jump.

"In addition to the rich set of resources currently available to you in the iPhone Dev Center, we've just added new resources to power your development as you create world-class mobile applications with the iPhone SDK.

Thank you again for applying to the iPhone Developer Program. We're thrilled with the tremendous response we've received. We have many more requests than we can serve during this initial beta period, so we must limit the Program at this time. We plan to expand it during the beta period, and we will contact you regarding your enrollment status at the appropriate time. We appreciate your patience. "

So does this tell us anything we didn't know? No? No? Bueller? Oh well. Thanks to everyone who sent this update in.