
THQ announces off-road racer Baja

THQ is on a mission to make the most realistic, most customizable and largest off-road racer ever and they think they've perfected the formula with recently announcedBaja.

Being developed by the founding members of MX vs. ATV, Baja is being pitched as the creme-de-la-creme of off-road racers, featuring over 100 square miles of terrain, unparalleled realism, revolutionary physics and vehicle customization galore. You can even blow out your tires! THQ also confirmed that Baja will makes its way to the Xbox 360 later this August. The only question left to ask is whether Baja will end up being just another off-road racer that promises the world and delivers more of the same or if it'll actually be a pioneer of the genre. Only time will tell, but we're feeling generous today and are willing to give them the benefit of the doubt ... for now.