
1Password updated for Safari 3.1

Whenever a new browser version rolls out, the engineers responsible for plugins and enhancements turn on the espresso machines for the coming all-nighters as they rejigger their products for the latest and greatest. In the case of Safari 3.1, the wait for an updated 1Password version was quite short; the new build is downloadable today from Agile's site.

In addition to the compatibility fix in 2.5.12, there are a slew of new features and enhancements to the indispensable password manager for web forms; full list over here. My favorite ones: an option to replace an existing saved login, and a Leopard-standard integrated help system. Palm users will also see dramatic improvements to the 1Password features for the once-leading PDA platform.

New licenses of 1Password are $29.95 (not $39.95 as I said a second ago).