
PS3 Poll Police: Which game has the best downloadable content?

The Poll Police have noticed a trend on the streets of video gaming lately -- certain titles seem to make their living off of downloadable content. They pass off their retail disc to their customers and inundate them every week with more and more content to keep them coming back for their next fix. It's a problem that doesn't really bother the Poll Police, but it raises an interesting question. We've found three major offenders and want to know which of these culprits you find to have the best and most content available. Since this is a very time-sensitive poll, it'll be interesting to see if the results are different in a few months.

Of these, which has the best downloadable content?

Guitar Hero III.


Rock Band.

These games are over-hyped and mediocre.

I don't think DLC is a good idea in general. free polls

We noticed also that one or two of the above titles have recently opened their doors to a swarm of new stuff, sometimes with their own personal stores with content available for purchase. The key word in this whole generation is "purchase" -- you pay upwards $200 for Rock Band when it comes out, but every week you can spend a couple dollars more on a handful of songs. How much will you spend over the course of a year? When thought about, it's really quite ridiculous. Sort of like the results from last week's poll. Check them out after the jump.

We asked if you thought digital downloads would sweep disc-based media out of existence sooner or later and our responses were pretty surprising. Not so much surprising as a result, but surprising that so many people are level-headed and really think outside of fanboyism when considering a new way to get their content. We're impressed, basically! 32% of you thought that digital downloading will take 3 or more years to take off, but 36% said it will never match the ability of a disc-based media. We agree with the 36% -- there's something about having all those fun menus and being able to stack a physical library on a shelf that digital copies will never replicate. At least, that's our two cents. Thanks for voting!