
Ask X3F: Not enough questions edition

Okay fanboys, we're going to have to do better than this. We received exactly two questions for Ask X3F this week. Two!! How are we supposed to feel self-important and superior if we don't have questions to answer, hmmm? We can't, that's how! Grrrr. Anywho, this week we make some valuable game purchasing suggestions and crush the dreams of one gamer looking for some cross-platform action. Find our pitifully short Q&A after the break.

Got a question for Ask X3F? Maybe you have a story or some information you'd like to share? Send it all to ask [at] xbox360fanboy [dot] com. No, seriously, send us some questions. We're desperate! We'll even take stupid questions (despite what your mother tells you, they do exist).

Wassup Xbox 360 fanboy
Great website i check it out everyday

I had a question
if you play Cod4 on 360 and you want to play someone who

plays it on PC could you invite them to a game or send them a friend request
i always thought it was possible if they play on the same server.

Thanks for the website great news hope you reply
Ricardo Gamertag: SPYDA BOII

Ricardo, punctuation is your friend. Anyway, the unfortunate answer is no. Unless a game is specifically designed to be played across the Xbox 360 and PC versions -- COD4 wasn't -- it's not possible. There are a handful of games that are set to support cross platform play though. One of them, Universe at War: Earth Assault, was released for 360 this week. Shadowrun supports cross platform play, too. A few upcoming titles including Lost Planet: Colonies and Huxley are set to support the feature as well.

Hey guys. I have 70 dollars and am looking into purchasing a new game. I really don't know what I want...
I have been looking at both dark sector and rainbow six vegas 2, and many others but cant come up with a suggestion.

What would you buy if you had the money. (Could be something you already have, that you really like)

Thanks, mcwattersm.

First of all, we capitalize game titles around here, mister. Still, your question is valid, so we canvassed the X3F staff for suggestions. Here you go:

Xav: $70 burning a hole in your pocket? That's easy! Grab a few points cards and wait for Ikaruga. Sure, it's only going to ring in at 800 MS points but you'll be plenty prepared for the upcoming barrage of awesomeness in SSFIITHDR, Bionic Commando: Rearmed, Schizoid and TiQal! Okay, the last one couldn't be a worse joke. If that ain't your bag I'd say invest in a copy of Rainbow Six Vegas 2. Dark Sector might not be your cup-o-tea.

Dustin: I'd go with RSV2 over Dark Sector simply due to longevity of the title's multiplayer being greater than Dark Sector's. Otherwise ... buy Halo 3 if you don't have it.

Richard (hey, that's me!): Rainbow Six Vegas 2 will likely last longer than Dark Sector, as it's the most likely to retain a loyal multiplayer following. Call of Duty 4 is excellent and has a Game of the Year Edition dropping next week, assuming you haven't picked it up already.

That's it for this week, folks. Keep sending your questions to: ask [at] xbox360fanboy [dawt] com.